Men's Fellowship Night: Christmas Bikes
All men are invited to join us for a night of food and fellowship as we assemble bikes for our Christmas outreach. Expect a fun environment with good food and even better conversation about life and faith.
Upcoming Special Events
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All men are invited to join us for a night of food and fellowship as we assemble bikes for our Christmas outreach. Expect a fun environment with good food and even better conversation about life and faith.
All men are invited to join us for a night of food and fellowship. Expect a fun environment with good food and even better conversation about life and faith.
This is a Trinity Men’s event you won’t want to miss. All guys are welcome to join us for a delicious breakfast at the church followed by some friendly competition and great fellowship at Topgolf. More details to come.
Mark your Calendars! We are excited to partner with Habitat for Humanity Charlotte. More details to come.